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The culture of learning for progress

Michelin has always believed that individual and collective achievements are underpinned by people and their talents. Given the many challenges with which the world is confronted, Michelin is reasserting its unshakeable faith in people and their ability to build a positive future and enable all of its employees to progress throughout their working life.   

At Michelin, we firmly believe that when each of us are learning, we all make progress. This is why we are committed to creating the best conditions for everyone to progress individually and collectively.

Jean-Claude PATS Chief HR Officer - Member of the Group Executive Committee

Learning: a long-standing concern within Michelin

Michelin’s history bears witness to the major importance that the Group has always placed on learning for all. From very early on, Michelin established the best conditions necessary to enable everyone in the Company and in the communities to learn and grow. As early as 1912, Michelin created its first school for the staff’s children with the goal of teaching them the basic skills of reading, writing and counting. Between 1920 and 1930, a dozen schools were created in the workers’ housing estates and catered for around 4,000 children. An apprenticeship center (teaching carpentry, boilermaking, fitting, industrial draftsmanship, etc.) was subsequently added to the primary schools and as early as 1926 was equipped with a physics, chemistry and biology laboratory.

Excerpt from the “Prosperity” brochure edited by Michelin in 1935

“Despite being called an Apprenticeship School, this center is a fully-fledged industrial establishment. The apprentices follow the same methods and use the same machines as in the plant workshops. We demand the same rigorous quality. Because the School and the Plant are so closely interlocked, the apprentices don’t feel they are wasting their time. This sense of being useful fosters emulation, the feeling of pride in their job, ingenuity and the taste for progress.”

The same review also reminds readers of Michelin’s goal in investing in this training program: “we want to give the staff every opportunity to create the best possible situation for themselves.”

Train, pass on knowledge and learn from others in order to continue making progress

True to its beliefs, and in a constantly changing environment, Michelin maintains its training initiatives. Today, the total number of hours’ training at Michelin – 5 million hours per year for 130,000 employees – is twice as high as that recorded in other companies. Michelin encourages everyone to take initiatives, shoulder responsibility and play an active role in their ongoing development and learning, but also to build on their knowledge and pass it on to others: this is what is meant by the “I AM Michelin!” transformation under way within the Group. A state of mind commensurate with its corporate Purpose: “Because we believe that all of us deserve personal fulfillment, we want to enable everyone to do his or her best, and to make our differences a valuable asset.”

Moreover, quite apart from its internal organization, Michelin also relies on numerous partnerships: for instance, it works with the CNRS in 8 common laboratories.

Foster the inclusion of diversities and equal opportunity

Over and above the diversity of personalities, origins, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, genders, nationalities, ages or disabilities... Michelin firmly believes that success is obtained through collective intelligence. This is why the Group fosters a corporate culture in which respect for all forms of diversity contributes to individual well-being and collective performance. The Group adamantly upholds the principle of equal opportunity and equality of treatment for all of its employees, along with its opposition to any form of discrimination. Since April 2021, the Group has set out to become a standard-setting company in the field of inclusivity.

The Talent Campus, a response to the emerging issues of training and orientation

The Group strives to anticipate the main trends of tomorrow’s world in order to more effectively prepare for them: developments in trades and professions, skills and ways of working, new work environment, galloping digitalization, etc. Michelin firmly believes that a successful adaption to the major changes in the workplace also hinges on companies’ ability to prepare their employees for the jobs of the future and support them as they change careers: this is the stated ambition of the Talent Campus.

This training and orientation center set up by Michelin in January 2022 offers tailored guidance and support, over an extended time period, to ease the changes, as well as development courses on future-oriented topics, aided by innovative learning tools and dedicated coaches. It also encourages hybrid courses leading to qualifications and/or certification. The Talent Campus is a meaningful contribution to the Group’s Employee Value Proposal.

Hall 32: continuing Michelin’s vocational training program dedicated to careers in industry

Laying the groundwork for the future also entails training young people for the current and future manufacturing jobs. This is the ambition underpinning Hall 32, of which Michelin is one of the six founders. Inaugurated in 2019, this school of excellence, equipped with cutting-edge equipment, currently caters for over 200 students from upper secondary to second-year post-secondary education.
It is staffed by a community of technical and general trainers, experts from all backgrounds, and companies in a unique industrial setting.  It is also a hub for the various regional stakeholders engaged in developing industry.

Learning remains deeply rooted in Michelin’s culture. Today, the Group is still convinced of the need to create the right conditions for individual and collective achievements through learning.