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All-sustainable, anchored in Michelin’s strategy

The world is faced with multiple large-scale and urgent challenges, on both an environmental and a social level. Historically recognized for its social and societal commitment, Michelin has embraced an "All-sustainable" approach to evolve its growth model towards an equitable balance between human, economic and environmental issues.  

No development project can be imagined without considering all its economic, social and environmental impacts. Similarly, no single player can meet the collective challenges facing the world. Michelin's  "All-sustainable"approach exemplifies this multifaceted need for collaboration, which has become essential between all stakeholders, for the benefit of civil society as a whole.

FLORENT MENEGAUX President of the Michelin Group

Michelin reinvents its growth model for a sustainable future

Today, the conclusion brooks no argument/the facts speak for themselves: humanity and all life on earth are in danger.  Fully aware of the threats facing the planet, Michelin is convinced that a sustainable future cannot be imagined without a growth model that takes planetary limits into consideration, and that is based on real social and societal responsibility.  
Motivated by this conviction, the Group thus crossed a new threshold in 2021 with its new strategic plan, Michelin in Motion, by setting objectives for 2030 (pdf) based on three pillars: People, Profit & Planet.  
Michelin is convinced that the equitable balance between human, economic and environmental concerns, which is at the core of its All-Sustainable approach, will ensure the success of its strategy. 
  • Personal development and fulfillment 
    Be a global benchmark in terms of workplace safety, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and customer value creation. 
  • Economic and financial performance 
    Pursue balanced, value-creating growth without which no sustained transformation is possible. 
  • Protection of the planet and its inhabitants 
    Reduce the environmental footprint of activities, products and services through life-cycle analysis and eco-design. 

Responsibility and transparency: two of Michelin’s golden rules

Deeply rooted in the Group’s culture, respect for people and for facts are two of the Groups key values. This is why Michelin opts for transparency, and responsible governance to achieve its goals and meet its commitments. This is realized in the work of several steering committees. 

  • The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee within the Supervisory Board - It has been overseeing the challenges faced by Michelin in terms of social responsibility since 2020. It also ensures the Group is appropriately engaged in terms of non-financial compliance and ethics.  

  • The Group Management Committee - This body certifies the sustainability guidance authored by various governance bodies - environment, human rights, health & safety, and sustainable finance - as well as those of an Ethics Committee, including the management of the Group's non-financial risks. 

  • The stakeholder committee - It creates a forum for open and constructive dialogue with people outside the company, from a variety of backgrounds, to track society’s changing expectations and to open up new development prospects.  


A recognized sustainable approach

Michelin is included in the benchmark Socially Responsible Indices (SRI). The Group, which has been assessed for its environmental, social and governance performances by non-financial ratings agencies since 2003, is widely recognized for its commitment. 

Non-financial ratings agencies' assessment

Helping to achieve the UN sustainable development goals

By assessing its actions and accomplishments in light of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Michelin seeks to respond more effectively to increasing expectations from stakeholders (partners, customers, regulators, etc.) in relation to environmental and social topics. 

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