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Publication preparatory documentation for the Annual General Meeting of May 17, 2024

The Annual Meeting of Michelin Shareholders will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024 from 9 a.m. at the Zénith d'Auvergne, 24 rue de Sarliève, 63800 Cournon d'Auvergne, Puy-de-Dôme, France.

As Michelin shares are exclusively registered shares, all shareholders receive a notice of meeting including a voting form, the Meeting agenda, the resolutions submitted to their approval, and the main terms and conditions for participating and voting. This document, as well as the preliminary notice of meeting published in the French journal of record, Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires, within the legal deadlines, are available on the website at

Shareholders can consult all the documentation referred to in Article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code on the above website or at the Company's headquarters. This information may also be requested from the Company.

The entire General Meeting will be webcast live and available via playback1 , in French and in English, on the Company’s Internet site:


  • April 24 Quarterly information for the three months ending

  • March 31, 2024

  • May 17 Annual Shareholders Meeting • May 22 Ex-dividend date

  • May 24 Dividend Payment

  • May 28 Capital Markets Day

  • July 24 First-half 2024 results

  • October 23 Financial information for the nine months ending September 30, 2024

(1) Subject to any technical reasons which may prevent or seriously disrupt the webcast

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